Pom Pom Chewy
Pom Pom Chewy, Chewy for short, is a 4-year-old pomeranian rescue from Northern Ontario. He’s the first “Foxeranian”, a fashion icon, Hollywood actor, model, and Instagram Influencer.
Born small, sickly, and skittish into a puppy mill, he was rescued before the age of one. His Mom worked hard to build Chewy’s trust and create a strong bond. Once he was more secure with his family, he began to go to work with her at her teaching job. This is where his love for children developed.
From a puppy, he loved to play in his humans’ clothes and eventually realized his love for outfits and accessories. Pom Pom Chewy is known as “The World’s Littlest Trendsetter”, with an eye for fashion like no other.

He has a large social media following who adore seeing his fashion-forward looks. Commercials and films soon followed for Chewy. He has worked on independent films like Humor Me to Universal Studios on the set of The Secret Life a Pets.
Producer, Susan Nation first met Chewy when he was a puppy while working on her pet blog and documentary TV series Talent Hounds. He was often at events with the Talent Hounds team such as Woofstock and Canadian Pet Expo and was always a fan favourite. He and his family all have such a great attitude. Stardom hasn’t gone to their heads.
We are thrilled to have him play, Charles Pomzie, Deb’s only fur baby.